18th Annual Pavel Koutecký Award and 7th ELBE DOCK IFF | September 4–8, 2024

Films for the youngest ones

7. 9. 2024
Additional programme

Screening of curated films from the Czech-German programme with an accompanying film education programme. The aim is to develop film language in the youngest viewers. This screening for pre-school children is a combination of short films with an unconventional approach (the beginnings of cinema, contemporary animation, experimental films) and specially developed activities to stimulate children's imagination and enhance their experience of film. Children learn to think about audiovisual works and to name the feelings and impressions that films evoke in them. At the same time, they actively develop their creativity through practical tasks.


Fruits of Clouds

Furries live in the burrows and feed themselves only by glowing fruit. However, these appear only rarely. One furry does not want only to wait. The wood awakens curiosity in him. He wants to know, what is hiding in there.

Czechia, 2017


The Wondrous Wheel

While trying to repair the horse cart, the boy grabs the wheel and rolls it down the hill towards the town. The wheel spins and spins, doing one damage after another, until everyone runs after him to stop the chaos.

Italy, 1908



Between a wave’s rhythm and the breath of a young woman in her sleep, some animated paintings go on modifying each other.

Switzerland, Canada; 2008